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9 votes

Do wines from grafted vine stock taste different from non-grafted?

Oh... something I am a real expert at! You are mixing your context when calling vines hybrids. There are three ways you can grow grapes for fruit. 100% original "own rooted" vines, grafted vines and ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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8 votes

What alcohol would go good with tea?

Irish whiskey is one I like to do with tea. In fact I like to make an Irish coffee by substituting the coffee with a strong black tea. Try it! I am rather fond of it.
Ken Graham's user avatar
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8 votes

Which temperature should be recommended in serving wine?

Some people serve wine at the ambient temperature without knowing that some wines are better served at a specific temperature. Which temperature should be recommended in serving wine? Light dry ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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8 votes

Which temperature should be recommended in serving wine?

Here is my take on serving wine at a variety of temperatures and colors after years and years of serving wine and drinking it. Remember storing wine and serving wine are two different things. All ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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What alcohol products go well with a particular type of coffee?

Generally, you'll want to avoid things with brighter, more acidic fruit flavors (apple, lemon) as those will mess with the inherent acidity of the coffee (although it should be noted that cherry is ...
B. Wilson's user avatar
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What's a good (neutral) sample beer to spike with a sensory training kit?

You want a mildly flavored, low hop beer for something like this. I would suggest a Kolsch or Helles Lager or a Mild. Pilsners can be heavily hopped. I have done a lot of this with wines when I taught ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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7 votes

What's the point of drinking light booze?

The effects of alcohol are well known. It makes you relax, uninhibited and generally have a good time up to a point. I once had a couple of friends that would order their Coors Light beer on crushed ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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7 votes

Ice cubes in rum

When it comes to what is socially accepted in the US, ice is mostly reserved for the harsher stuff like bourbon and scotch. The ice serves a purpose of diluting the liquor, thus making it smoother on ...
Mercifies's user avatar
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6 votes

Regarding light beers and dark beers: how would you make a light beer taste more like a dark beer?

It depends upon what you think a dark beer tastes like because there is a wide range of shades of dark, and a wide range of flavors that come with dark. The amber beers can have tastes of caramel and ...
Dave's user avatar
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6 votes

What alcohol would go good with tea?

Gunfire is a classic British rum and black tea cocktail, with a German equivalent in the Jagertee. Two European great powers can't be wrong - go with the rum!
SPavel's user avatar
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6 votes

Bad spirits experience - cannot drink that specific type anymore

This isn't specific to alcohol, and is instead a general mechanism of neural association. When you consume anything and then become sick afterward your brain associates sickness with what you consumed ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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5 votes

What alcohol beverage goes well with a certain type of smoking?

Smoke and drink like a pirate. Rum and cigars both hail from the Caribbean, so it’s no coincidence that they work well with one another. Match the spiced and sweet molasses undertones of this full-...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I improve the flavor of a cheap bottle of sparkling wine?

Make a kir royale with it. Add a small amount of a strong, fruity liqueur to the bottom of the glass, such as creme de cassis or framboise (Chambord is one brand name). Then gently add the sparkling ...
John Feltz's user avatar
5 votes

What alcohol products go well with a particular type of coffee?

Rumpleminze (peppermint schnapps) and coffee and cream creates a smooth and potent alcoholic drink. Add a Godiva Chocolate Liquor for a first class-after dinner cocktail. Grand Marnier(something ...
zenijos10's user avatar
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5 votes

Spittoons - in a friendly wine tasting

The primary effect a spitoon would have, is less alcohol recpetion (some alcohol will get into the blood via the mouth-mucus). The alcohol could lead to different results for the later wines. You ...
Silent-Bob's user avatar
5 votes

What is so special about Guinness DRAUGHT?

Guinness Draft is an Irish Dry Stout, a session beer, with alcohol by volume at 4.2%. It is intended that you can sit and drink several pints without becoming overly intoxicated. Compare that with Bud ...
jalynn2's user avatar
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Why would some prefer to put salt in their beer?

The same reason people put salt on their food. It enhances the flavor of the beer. The extra salt has other effects as well though, outside of simply making things more salty. Particularly, ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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5 votes

Difference between "Ale's" beer

Beers (ales and lagers) are broken down into many, many different styles based on how they are brewed. Most beers have only 3 or 4 different types of ingredients. Malt, water, yeast, hops and ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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How long will red wine last after pouring it into a glass

Ultimately, it last until you decide you no longer like the taste. What's happening is that the wine is oxidizing, and the flavor and aroma compounds are being destroyed once they're exposed to a ...
Xander's user avatar
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Does whisky change its taste in an open bottle?

This is a heated topic of debate among whiskey drinkers, actually. The heart of the answer lies somewhere between the sensitivity of the palate and the length of time that a whiskey remains open... ...
Tim Burnett - Bassist's user avatar
5 votes

Why do some people put olives in their beer?

Why do some people put olives in their beer? Apart from the obvious reason, because they can, they seems to be couple of reasons for this. Some individuals actually enjoy doing it. Olives are paired ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

What alcohol would go good with tea?

Wild Turkey American Honey is excellent with most kinds of tea including black, green, and orange pekoe. Throw in a squeeze of lemon for an delicious, easy to make, and modern twist on the Hot Toddy. ...
zenijos10's user avatar
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4 votes

What makes sour beers sour?

From the Wiki page on Sour Beer: "[S]our beers are made by intentionally allowing wild yeast strains or bacteria into the brew. Traditionally, Belgian brewers allowed wild yeast to enter the brew ...
Tim Burnett - Bassist's user avatar
4 votes

Fashionable gins - are they what they claim to be?

Gin is very simply defined as a clear alcoholic spirit distilled from grain or malt and flavoured with juniper berries. So your differentiation between "made properly" and "just alcohol and flavor"...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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4 votes

Why would some prefer to put salt in their beer?

Is there a real reason for putting salt in beer? Putting salt in beer stems from a few philosophies - all of which seem to have had a purpose at one time or another. · An old wives' tale said ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

What's a good (neutral) sample beer to spike with a sensory training kit?

You should definitely all use the same beer as the base, and you want a beer that has a good balance of hops and malt. The less flavor the beer has, the more the "spiked" flavors and aromas will stand ...
Gary R.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a way quantify beer flavour characteristics?

Wikipedia has an entire article on beer measurements. The main truely quantitative measure of taste I'm aware of is the International Bitterness Unit or IBU. Wikipedia has a section which describes ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Which chemical compound gives Heineken its sweet taste?

Chances are that the sweet taste comes from the malt used in Heineken (and other beers). Malt contains starches that are easily broken down into simple forms of sugar (like Maltose) early on. Amylase ...
Lizzy's user avatar
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Do "premium" liquors contain more sugar?

I have been in the luxury spirits business for a couple of decades. I can tell you that in the case of brown spirits, whiskey (including subsets like bourbon) and cognac (or in most cases anything ...
BMA1200's user avatar
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4 votes

Indian Army supply of Alcoholic beverages?

Indian Army supply of Alcoholic beverages? Are the supplying companies special for armies? Regardless of which national forces (army) one is in, the main reason for suppling some for of booze is to ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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