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9 votes

Do wines from grafted vine stock taste different from non-grafted?

Oh... something I am a real expert at! You are mixing your context when calling vines hybrids. There are three ways you can grow grapes for fruit. 100% original "own rooted" vines, grafted vines and ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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9 votes

Why Fox Grape wines (like Izabella/Isabella) are forbidden on EU market?

It's a fairly long story, but here goes... First "Fox Grapes" are American grapes. There are several species of vitis that are used for wine production. I think in this case it's vitis labrusca. So,...
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8 votes

Can white wine and red wine be kept in the same cellar?

All wine that you want to age for a long time should be kept at the same temperature. The difference in temperatures come when you want to serve the wine. White should be served at a lower temperature ...
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What should I do when my wine's cork crumbles?

The best way to take out bad corks is with an Ah So. Keeps the crumbly corks together better. Instead of picking at the cork, push it back into the bottle and then strain the wine through a ...
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When and why did wineries start diluting wine?

There are several factors at play here. If we think about how grapes were maintained hundreds or thousands of years ago, it was kind of a slapdash affair. In the beginning they probably just grabbed ...
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Does adding honey to bottled wine increase the alcohol content?

Highly unlikely that the alcohol went up. Four reasons. The alcohol already in the wine is a barrier for the yeast to re-ferment. The sulfites in the wine could inhibit refermentation if it hasn't ...
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Which temperature should be recommended in serving wine?

Some people serve wine at the ambient temperature without knowing that some wines are better served at a specific temperature. Which temperature should be recommended in serving wine? Light dry ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Which temperature should be recommended in serving wine?

Here is my take on serving wine at a variety of temperatures and colors after years and years of serving wine and drinking it. Remember storing wine and serving wine are two different things. All ...
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Why is this wine so expensive?

There are several things going on. Mouton Rothschild is on of the few "first growth" Bordeaux wineries. All of them are highly collectible. New bottles go for between $600 and $700 for Mouton ...
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How come wineries and/or wine tasting events often so generous in giving samples?

The simple answer is that it pays off in sales of wine. I suspect that having a good experience makes one more likely to think positively of a winery and its wines. Also, a little alcohol might make ...
Eric S's user avatar
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7 votes

Nowadays do wine makers use squeeze-by-feet method for grape juice extraction to make wine?

Very few people stomp grapes anymore for commercial winemaking. There are some wineries that still do it, I've heard of several in burgundy. Maybe some really old world stuff in Eastern Europe. The ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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7 votes

Does adding honey to bottled wine increase the alcohol content?

It's pretty unlikely. Given that it was a commercial wine I don't there was much live, viable yeast in the bottle. Particularly if sulfites were added, triggering additional fermentation would ...
thesquaregroot's user avatar
7 votes

Germany loves to drink Glühwein (warm wine) in Winter, where else in the world do they practice that?

Glühwein is part of a larger category of heated and spiced wines called Mulled Wines. They are popular all over Europe and go by more names than I can cite here. The tradition is first recorded in ...
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7 votes

Can wine be made from all edible fruits?

Yes, wine can pretty much be made from all edible fruit, including tomatoes. But the reason we make wine out of grapes is three fold. Sugar, tannins and acids. Sugar. Grapes produce the highest ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are wine bottle volumes in centiliters not in liters or milliliters?

Why are wine bottle volumes in centiliters not in liters or milliliters? Part of the answer is in the marketing system used in a particular country or region and part of it would be about the size of ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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6 votes

What's the difference between Cava and Champagne?

Well, Champagne has to come from Champagne and has made out of a combination of 3 grapes (Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier or Chardonnay) and made using the Méthode Champenoise techniques. They think this ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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6 votes

What is this wine set element?

It's a stand to hold your puller on a flat surface so it sits upright.
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Mint sugar wine

Mint extract and mint oil won't do the same thing as leaves, not exactly. The flavor is different. If you infuse it with mint leaves, the flavor can have a more "leafy" or herbal quality, not ...
Montijello's user avatar
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How to select a wine based on production quality?

how can I choose between two bottles in a non-arbitrary, and objective way? You can't. It's purely a subjective exercise. It is a dark art that takes a lot of tasting and learning what regions you ...
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Red wine service

As a safe bet, dry still red wines should be served between 18-20°C Of course exceptions apply... Opening time prior to service depends on the vintage, older wines (4+ years) need to breathe longer ...
TeslaZap's user avatar
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Wine recommendation on the sweet side with 12 to 15% alcohol

Most fortified wines such as port, Madeira, (sweet) sherry, Commandaria are both very sweet and are very high in alcohol. Many are in the range of 20% ABV. I would strongly [pun intended] suggest ...
MD-Tech's user avatar
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Wine recommendation on the sweet side with 12 to 15% alcohol

It depends on how sweet you are looking for. If you are looking for very sweet than dessert wines are the way to go, a Sauternes or Mustacel will be at least 12% if not higher. If all you want is a ...
GdD's user avatar
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What is the difference between ice wine, iced wine and late harvest wines?

Late Harvest these are grapes that are left on the vine until they reach a certain brix (sugar %) level outside the normal range for regular table wine. There are several sub categories of Late ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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What is the benefit of organic red wine?

Your question is a little vague. I'm assuming by the nature of your question, you mean the health benefits as opposed to the environmental benefits. Having been growing organic wine grapes for 18 ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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How Are Wines Blended?

I have pretty extensive experience blending wine in my winery over 15 years. There are two types of blends. Pre-fermentation and post-fermentation. The pre-fermentation is usually called a "field ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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Is it safe to drink a four decades old champagne?

Simple answer is yes! The more complex answer is that it might not taste all that great but I've had some aged sparkling wines that were 10+ years old and were quite nice. But having lost it's ...
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Vinometer reads 16% while SG says that can't be possible

Vinometers don't work on beer or wine with residual sugars. You need to use a hydrometer. Vinometers only works with dry wine.
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What wine did people drink during the Roman empire?

You have a lot of information right out of Wikipedia when searching for Ancient Rome + wine, and too much for it to be copied or gathered here. But here is some information I also learnt from History ...
OldPadawan's user avatar
6 votes

Can wine be made from raisins?

There are two ways to make wine from raisins. Soak the raisins in water and boil and then macerate, ferment and separate the solids from the wine and age. You can make something close to wine. Most ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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6 votes

Why do you call some wines by region and other wines by grapes varietal?

This is a historical thing. In Europe in the ye olden days, there was no separation between where someone grew the grapes and what the wine was called, ie Burgundy, Chianti, Bordeaux, Rioja. In most ...
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