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Ordering a Drink in Non-Traditional Glassware

I believe the type of glass you are looking for is called an "Old Fashioned glass" named for the cocktail typically served in it. Depending on the size of the drink you may possibly want request your ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Zabaione - with Marsala or Whiskey?

Great question for the dessert enhancement front. Zabaglione is generally thought as sweet, however it can also be made without sugar, using dry wine and egg yolks, thus becoming a fine sauce for ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to substitute Kahlua in lieu of Patron XO Cafe?

You can definitely substitute Patron XO Cafe with Kahlua concerning the coffee flavor for your drink. But... You'll lack a Tequila taste Kahlua has a lower ABV You can try to compensate this by ...
d4zed's user avatar
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Non-alcoholic substitutes for wine

Let us start by defining what non-alcoholic wine is. What is non-alcoholic wine? It's pretty much what it says on the can, (or the bottle in this case). It’s wine with the alcohol removed. ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

Non-alcoholic substitutes for wine

There is a number of alcohol reduced wines in the market. I avoid saying "alcohol-free" because there is no "alcohol-free wine". Most still have less than 0.5 percent of alcohol. First of all: The ...
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