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Questions tagged [retail-availiability]

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5 votes
2 answers

What are some big brand Dunkel beers in the United States?

I love Dunkel's (German Dark Lager) every time I have them but live in a small town without much local access to imported or small brewery beers (unless they are a bigger name). What I want to know is ...
Andrew Edwards's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Availability of Victoria Bitter

Is Victoria Bitter (VB) available in the U.S.? I have not been able to find it anywhere. It was fairly popular in Australia when I was there 15-plus years ago.
Alan's user avatar
  • 51
10 votes
8 answers

"Pumpkin" beers made with actual pumpkin?

It's about that time of year again, when pumpkin flavored beer (and everything else) starts making its way onto store shelves. I was wondering, what pumpkin flavored beers are out there, if any, are ...
CKrug's user avatar
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