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Traditional drinks mentioned in well known literature from 1900 or earlier?

Traditional drinks mentioned in well known literature? Does anyone know of any drinking traditions of a popular drink that is mentioned in popular historical literature. I am not limiting to English ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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In which country might you find a scorpion in your wine?

In which country might you find a scorpion in your wine? Every country has its own tradition to serve wine; someone asked me that question but I didn't find the answer yet.
Insha Darwaish's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Traditional wine recommendation for a romantic evening on Valentine's Day?

Being a man of tradition and enjoying the finer things in life, I would like to have a nice romantic evening with my love next Valentine's Day (February 14). However I would like to keep the choice ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 10.8k