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9 votes

How should I drink limoncello?

Drink it neat but chilled. the author of the Wikipedia entry seems to agrees with this statement too. Limoncello is traditionally served chilled as an after-dinner digestiv I would recommend it ...
n34_panda's user avatar
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8 votes

What is "Five Fruits" in this 1920s cocktail recipe?

Old advertisements show that it was made starting in 1900 in Portland, Maine. It consisted of a syrup made of pineapple, orange, lemon, raspberry, and strawberry juices with sugar, red food coloring, ...
Christian's user avatar
7 votes

Why shouldn't you mix baileys and cola?

Cream liqueurs curdle because of their high dairy content. Dairy products (such as milk or cream) curdle in the presence of an acidic liquid. Acids have a very low pH, which lowers the overall pH of ...
Elizabeth Orrick's user avatar
7 votes

How should I drink limoncello?

This is how limoncello is served in the province of Salerno (where it mainly comes from): Very cold shot glasses (they're not opaque, it's rime on them). But I'd rather drink it in a cocktail, it's ...
Altbier is not Old Beer's user avatar
5 votes

Why does my slice/wedge of lime go up and down in my glass of Gin and Tonic?

Pieces of lime are slightly denser than a mixture of water and alcohol, and so they will naturally sink at first. However, they also encourage carbon dioxide gas to come out of solution and form ...
Mick's user avatar
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3 votes

What happens if you mix coffee with tequila?

There are a ton of cocktails that mix tequila and coffee. There are three options for the coffee part of it: canned/bottled, liquor/liqueur, and home brewed/coffee house. Home brewed coffee is fun for ...
Montijello's user avatar
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What happens if you mix coffee with tequila?

Coffee can definitely be mixed with tequila. However most recipes do not stop at simply a tequila/coffee mixture. The vast majority of such drinks involve a few more ingredients into these types of ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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3 votes

How should I drink limoncello?

The sweetness is a little much for me on its own but I find it very refreshing, So I tend to enjoy it as a frappe. Simply equal parts ice and Limoncello and run it through “crushed ice” setting in the ...
Jacob Perkins's user avatar
2 votes

How should I drink limoncello?

I like it as a digestive, refreshed around a few °C above 0. However, making some ice cubes in a freezer (nice to have a few of these special plastic bags in the freezer, each filled with a different ...
ELw38fr's user avatar
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2 votes

Mixing very strong alcohol for cocktails

A rule of thumb, one shot of high proof is like two shots of an average liquor. It'll still be stronger but, you can wing recipes by halving the alcohol. When working with high proofs the trick is ...
Montijello's user avatar
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1 vote

What is "Five Fruits" in this 1920s cocktail recipe?

What exactly is "Five Fruits"? "From context I infer that it's a sweet juice blend, maybe something like modern-day Hawaiian Punch; but I haven't been able to Google up anything about the name ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

What is "Five Fruits" in this 1920s cocktail recipe?

Although I am not sure what "Five Fruits" are I think I know what they are talking about. Having seen enough crappy fruit punch in my day, I am guess that they are talking about Fruit Cocktail from ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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1 vote

How should I drink limoncello?

I either pour a little at the bottom of a glass, and then add prosecco... or as of late... I pour a shot of it into a fruity beer, such as a cranberry/ raspberry sour. I call it an italian car ...
Hecho's user avatar
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1 vote

How should I drink limoncello?

It is served cold, in a cold glass. And above all, take the time to enjoy it in your mouth, as the essential oils, trapped into tiny droplets of some hundreds nanometer size, will be released giving ...
leonardo2887's user avatar
1 vote

Mixing very strong alcohol for cocktails

Mixing drinks is an art. This is even more true when one is mixing a drink that involves extremely high percentage alcohols. Allow me to have a little fun here and show you how to modify a cocktail ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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