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6 votes

Why is the Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA so expensive?

I think there are three main reasons. 1) Direct production costs. Dogfish declares adding hops for two hours, and this has a cost you need to pay (more hops, more time) 2) Alcohol content. Taxes may ...
user3664452's user avatar
5 votes

Sugar before bottle

They are shooting for a bottle conditioned beer which means the beer ferments a little bit in the bottle, trapping the co2 and carbonating the beer "naturally". I doubt they are putting sugar directly ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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2 votes

Sugar before bottle

Fermantation and CO2 Long story short, yeast consumes sugar and produces alcohol and CO2. During primary fermentation all the CO2 is released into the air (unless you ferment under pressure which I ...
MaliMish's user avatar
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2 votes

What food pairs well with an IPA?

Be mindful of the variety of IPA on the US market -- the average New England IPA is a different beast than the average west coast IPA. I'll call out a few excerpts from the serious eats article Andrew ...
Matt Fitzgerald's user avatar
1 vote

De Ranke XXX Beer

They are brewing it actively and there's information on the website at
Bert Heymans's user avatar
1 vote

Does beer suffer from being warmed and then rechilled?

I am now drinking a beer from a keg from last weekend. I left the beer keg inside my storage with door open and it's been warm this week (100°F). Five days later the beer tastes almost same exept that ...
Genaro Delarosa's user avatar

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