9 votes

Why Fox Grape wines (like Izabella/Isabella) are forbidden on EU market?

It's a fairly long story, but here goes... First "Fox Grapes" are American grapes. There are several species of vitis that are used for wine production. I think in this case it's vitis labrusca. So,...
farmersteve's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the strongest alcoholic drink that existed during the Middle Ages in Europe?

In the History and Taxonomy of Distilled Spirits There is ample evidence that distilled spirits were available during the time period you mentioned in a variety of places. We know that that Greek ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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2 votes

Which other wines taste similar to Georgian Khvanchkara?

Amarone and Valpoliccella Ripasso from Italy are your safest bet. Any wine that’s made with dried grapes (appassimento) will hold some sweetness without moving into the category of dessert wine or ...
Seamusthedog's user avatar
2 votes

How prominent were drinking (alcohol) establishments in the Middle Ages?

The question is very broad - A lot of the answer would depend on a more specific geographical location and/or a narrower time-window. For example in France, Taverns and inns (not restaurants) were ...
Tim Burnett - Bassist's user avatar

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