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5 votes

Difference between "Ale's" beer

Beers (ales and lagers) are broken down into many, many different styles based on how they are brewed. Most beers have only 3 or 4 different types of ingredients. Malt, water, yeast, hops and ...
farmersteve's user avatar
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Is there a recipe for a Kosher for Passover beer or ale?

Here's a company that's trying it: … According to, beer is '"chametz." What's chametz? According to the site, it's "any food product made from wheat, barley, rye, oats or ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
1 vote

Broadening my horizons (Ale recommendations in South West UK)

I am pleased to add a pint that I enjoyed particularly: Firefly Bitter is an excellent 3.7% amber ale produced by Hanlons Brewery in the county of Devon. Further, why not to try those of St. Austell ...
MattAllegro's user avatar

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