Questions tagged [inebriation]

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21 votes
6 answers

Why is drinking beer after wine a bad idea?

As the well known rhyme reminds us, drinking beer after wine is a bad idea. Having made the mistake during my student years more than once and regretting it, why is it that consuming these two ...
Tom Medley's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Will certain types of beer get me more drunk more quickly?

Assuming we're comparing equivalent amounts of alcohol, do certain beers get you inebriated more quickly or slowly? Does the amount of fizz make a difference?
Tom Medley's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between the inebriation caused by liquor/wine/beer?

The question is: What are the qualitative and quantitative differences between inebriation caused by liquor wine and beer? Anecdotal evidence suggests to me that the core difference between the ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Do different beers have a different 'buzz'?

Often with spirits people say that different spirits have different effects, eg bourbon makes people angry or trouble making, gin makes people emotional, tequilla makes people crazy, etc. Though ...
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