Bacon Beer
I've heard of beers made with rauchmalt - smoked malt, where the brewer has "dry hopped" with bacon or bacon flavored soya to give the beer a bacon flavor and aroma - allowing the bacon and the smoked malt to enhance each other. One commercial example is Bacon Maple Ale from Rogue, which features a variety of smoked malts (over different woods) plus applewood smoked bacon.
Cock Ale
Here is a recipe for ale made with chicken broth:
PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: The Closet Of the Eminently
Learned Sir Kenelme Digby Kt. Opened, 1677 | CLASS: Authentic
DESCRIPTION: A drink of ale, chicken broth, & sack
To make Cock-Ale.
Take eight gallons of Ale, take a Cock and boil him well; then take
four pounds of Raisins of the Sun well stoned, two or three Nutmegs,
three or four flakes of Mace, half a pound of Dates; beat these all in
a Mortar, and put to them two quarts of the best Sack: and when the
Ale hath done working, put these in, and stop it close six or seven
days, and then bottle it, and a month after you may drink it.
And PS: the Guinness meat story because of finding rats in the fermentation tanks or barrels is a myth. Or to put it another way, even if it did ever did happen once, it's not practiced now. It's hard enough for bacteria to get into the fermentation tanks or barrels, let alone something as big as a rat! (Nowadays they use stainless or aluminum kegs.)