Are there any microbrewery in Lisbon/Tomar in Portugal?
What is the specialty brew in Portugal? Is there any special beer or beer-like alcohol from Portugal?
Oficina da Cerveja, shop
Sant’Ana LX Brewery, cerveja artisanal
Lisboa, rua Bernardim Ribeiro 53 oficina aberto ao público apenas Terças e Quintas das 14:30 às 19 h (sem necessitar de combinar antes)
The shop provides some products to home brewers. The microbrewery (quite micro indeed) makes some really good brews in today’s IPA trend. During a stay with friends in september (Belgians), we bought some American Pale Ale (4,9 %) and some Rye IPA (6,8 %). Very nice.
The two craft breweries in Lisbon are Dois Corvos and Oitava Colina. Dois Corvos has a tasting room a couple km from the centre. Both make good beer.
Edit: Dois Corvos and Oitava Colina are both craft breweries in the area.
Generally, Lisbon seems to be a wine destination, which means beer doesn't end up shining in any significant way in the region.
There is a chain restaurant over in Portugal called Cervejeira Lusitana; also known as the Lusitanian Brewery. This restaurant is a brewpub that sells beer and Portuguese food. There should be a few in Lisbon, but I am not quite sure about Tomar.
Portugal is not really known for their beer that I know of. It seems like the beers they sell commonly aren't too much on the hoppy-side either. From what I found about the usual style of beer over there, it seems that lagers are very common. There are a few other styles it seems, but no real specialty brew. I would ask around and see if any of the locals know of any particular bars and brews to try.
EDIT: Forgot to add the TripAdvisor link for them.
Go to and in the Brewer Search enter Lisbon in the City and Portugal in the Country, then click Search.
It returns 4 breweries.
Almost five years after this question was asked I can add Quimera Brewpub, in Rua Prior do Crato, Lisbon, that I visited in March 2019. The About page of their website states:
We have 12 taps of craft beers and bottles, all produced either by us or from good Portuguese micro breweries.